
Say Goodbye to Neighborhoods

Say Goodbye to Neighborhoods

As town crafts new zoning for Districts 3 to 6, questions remain unanswered and concerns unheeded. Is any neighborhood stable? Zoning updates for Jackson’s downtown core were fairly contentious. It took signature collection, a petition, and eventually a referendum vote to force the council to follow the will of the people. Now, with mostly residential Districts 3-6 under the microscope, […]

Moratorium on Madness

Moratorium on Madness

Town Council deserves credit. They’re finally dealing with runaway commercial growth, the root cause of our housing problem, the real cause of local overcrowding and discontent. It has been a year since town and county elected officials discussed raising our low and ineffectual commercial mitigation rates up to 100%. So instead of housing just a few of the seasonal jobs […]

Saving or Destroying Community

Saving or Destroying Community

A local business owner recently set us straight. “I’m not pro-growth,” he insisted. “I don’t want any more second homes. I just want workforce housing.” As if that didn’t count. But population growth is mostly due to workforce housing, which is a product of job creation due to commercial expansion. Here is the Other Side of the Story for April […]

Affordable Housing, a Bad Dream

Affordable Housing, a Bad Dream

Making a case against affordable housing is not popular. Certainly, no politician would dare do it. An affordable place for everyone that wants one has a generous, if naive, ring to it. And election results indicate voters don’t want more public housing; they see an emperor with no clothes. Most of us are not convinced government-provided workforce housing is a […]

START’s Free Ride is Over

START’s Free Ride is Over

Funny how START is only now exploring funding options. They’ve been pursuing a utopian dream with little thought for efficiency. Actually, it’s more pitiful than funny. After decades of operation, they’re just now worrying about future sustainably. Most businesses, public or private, learn the importance of a funding model. They don’t have the luxury of ignoring their customers Here is […]

Must the Show Go On

Must the Show Go On

It was learned at press time that the proposed concert for South Park was called off due to scheduling issues with the band. Still, the reasoning behind the decision to allow the event in the first place is questionable. Noise, traffic and massive crowds were headed to South Park after our county commissioners approved what could have been the biggest […]