Town spends thousands to save $25

Town spends thousands to save $25

WE WERE THERE… Save Historic Jackson Hole was present (well, sort of…we caught the live stream) at today’s town workshop where councilors made decisions to whomp nonprofits with a $25 event application fee for things government should be happily providing for like the town Easter egg hunt. “It’s reasonable to recoup costs the town incurs,” Don Frank said. “[Applicants] should […]

South Park development

South Park development

A proposed development in South Park would put 206 homes on 203 acres on Nielson Ranch/Lucas property there. The arrangement would also put 22 homes in on Spring Gulch with the promise to preserve open space there. While the project is not without merit, Save Historic Jackson Hole has concerns about the pre-application for this proposal, which will be developed by Steelhead Partners […]

The future repeats itself

The future repeats itself

We’ve been talking about out-of-control growth since at least the 1970s. Likely, long before that. We came across two very interesting articles for those with the leisure time to read. Yeah, we know… “Leisure time?” “Read?” But these are worth a skim. Todd Wilkinson’s January 13, 2016 column in the News&Guide referenced a decades-old National Geographic article written by Francois […]