
Sacrificing what we love on the altar of affordable housing

Sacrificing what we love on the altar of affordable housing

In the immortal words of former county commissioner Hank Phibbs, “You shouldn’t sacrifice the things we love about this valley—conservation, wildlife, open space—on the altar of affordable housing.” What a statement. The need for housing in Jackson Hole is real. Most all of us have been there. But should government be spending your money building homes for some who may […]

Like it grows on trees

Like it grows on trees

“Eclipsing” even a Teton County spending spree. Our local government is hard at it again: spending. Faced with what critical care and first responders claim is a virtual Armageddon scenario, town and county officials have been convinced to set fire to a hundred grand for the planning of the Great American Eclipse. The complete solar eclipse will take place in Jackson Hole at 11:35 […]